Friday,  April 11th -  Saturday,  April 12th  /   REGISTER HERE

Register Here by Sun March 23rd

Location - Three Springs Ministries (874 Linck Hill Road, Morris, PA 16938)

Cost - $75 (scholarships are available by request)
This is also due March 23rd. Checks should be made payable to "Grace Fellowship Church" with "Women's Spring Retreat" in the memo. Hand checks or cash to Lani Daubenspeck

What to bring
Overnight clothes and toiletries (including a towel), twin sized linens & blankets or a sleeping bag, Bible & journal / notebook, and a water bottle. Consider bringing your favorite cozy blanket and / or warm coat, because it gets a bit chilly outside in the evenings. All meals, and coffee / tea are already included.

Jesus: Our Reason to Work, Our Place to Rest

Do you feel crazy busy? Do you have trouble deciding what to say "yes" to and what to say "no" to?  Do you feel guilty when you rest? Are you aware of what motivates you personally to either work or rest? What is the difference between rest and laziness? Spend time with us discovering how Jesus can be both our motivation to work and our place to rest!




Questions?  Contact the GFC Women's Ministry Team